Be Part Of Our Testing Group, Sign Up Below.
By signing up you give us permission to contact you about new adventures. You'll also have a chance to try out an Adventure at no, or highly reduced, cost.
Do you want a personally guided course that you can only play during "scheduled hours"? That's not what we are.
If you are looking for a mindless scavenger hunt where you search for random objects, these Adventures are not for you.
While you can run around taking strange selfies if you want to, none of our Adventures require a single photo to be taken.
We are a self-guided tour of clues and puzzles that you have access to 24 hours a day, every day (although it will probably be easier, and maybe safer, if you play during daylight hours).
You'll not only have fun solving the puzzles but you will learn a little about the area while doing it. And, if you want to learn more, every puzzle has an optional "discussion question" aligned to the state educational standards for grades 4-6. Are you smarter than a sixth grader?